How It Works

Residential aged care facilities utilising SimpleMed acquire a centralised system that empowers aged care facility staff, pharmacists and prescribers to share and communicate patient health information accurately and efficiently.
SimpleMed's foremost commitment is to assist aged care facilities to deliver patient-centred care to its residents.
Admin Control
Authorised aged care staff have secure access via multifactor login to the SimpleFacility platform. System administrators manage the access level of patient information for staff members, prescribers and pharmacies.
Records Access
Staff members have access to up-to-date information on patients' demographical profiles, medication history, PRN medications, medication charts, My Health Record (coming in 2023), and health check information.
Electronic signing feature help staff members accurately and efficiently document medication administration to residents.
SimpleMeds automated systems along with the notification features help facilities communicate prescription and medication supply requirements to prescribers and pharmacies.
Comprehensive reporting functions and best practice workflow design will assist aged care facilities meet all regulatory requirements efficiently.
Leverage the SimpleMed Advantage

Improving Medication Safety
Medications prescribed, dispensed and administered are recorded electronically, reducing errors due to transcribing, duplication and omission. Electronic medication records increase data accuracy, accessibility and visibility.

Reducing Administrative Burden
Streamlined workflow with all required information available within the SimpleMed platform, aged care staff spend significantly less time on administrative tasks and have more time focusing on residents' needs.

Improving Governance
With greater visibility and transparency of medical information and workflow, aged care facilities are able to more effectively monitor, report and audit care practices to ensure they meet regulatory requirements.

SimpleFaciltity is SimpleMed's residential aged care facility (RACF) platform developed to assist residential aged care staff with medication management.
Secure Access
Staff members with authorised access will be able to review residents' NRMC (national resident medication charts), patient demographic details, care preferences, allergies, medication history, My Health Record and facility health check history.
Reduce Paperwork
SimpleMed electronic medication management system removes paperwork from the medication management process, cutting out administrative time dealing with paper-based processes.
Real-time Updates
SimpleFacility streamlines real-time updates of medication charts uploaded by prescribers, transmission of phone orders to prescribers via secure messaging, and notes from prescribers and pharmacists regarding patient care.
Intelligent Alerts
Automated medication supply management alerts pharmacies on DAA supply needs and updates. Prescribers are notified when NRMC are due for reviews.

SimpleDose is a tablet application developed to assist aged care facilities (RACFs) simplify medication administration.
Efficient workflow
It replaces paper signing sheets, automating the recording of medication administration. The minimalistic design provides all the vital information staff members require without information overload.
Decision Support
Prompts and alerts assist staff members with decision-making and help adherence to special administration requirements. Audit trails allow for easy review and reporting.

eNRMC (Transitional arrangement)
SimpleMed electronic medication management (EMM) system empowers residential aged care facilities to take advantage of the rollout of the national residential medication chart.
Government Initiative
With government initiatives in place to assist the adoption of eNRMC, now is the time for residential aged care facilities to leverage new technologies and provide safer health outcomes for residents.
Grant Available
Residential aged care facilities can apply for the eNRMC Adoption grant to assist with the transition to electronic medication management.
Grant Assistance
SimpleMed is ready to assist RACS with grant applications and the successful implementation of our solution at your facility.
For details on the eNRMC Adoption grant, follow this link.